other day I was reading Exodus Chapter 20 and I was going through the twelve
commandments and something occurred to me. It struck me that each law was not
so much in respect of the whole nation but in respect of each individual in the
nation. Going through the verses in the chapter, it occurred to me that the “Thou”
that began each verse at the beginning of each commandment was in really in
respect of the whole nation but in respect of each person reading or hearing
the words. God gave Moses the law in the Old Testament but he promised in the
book of Jeremiah that the days would come when the laws would no longer be
written on tablets of stone but on the tablets of our hearts. He also promised
that God would give us hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone.
was Jesus agenda when he came. Jesus did not come to give us a religion but he
came to offer each and every one of us a personal relationship with God. Jesus
spoke out against religion. According to him, people set up religion to stop
people from getting to know God and they didn’t get to know God themselves. However
when Jesus talked about that new personal relationship with God, nowhere in the
Scriptures did he refer to the new relationship as the “Gospel of Salvation”, “Gospel
of Jesus Christ” or Christianity. When Peter or Paul referred to the new
relationship, they also never referred to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They all
talked about the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven which as Christ had taught
was in our hearts.
seem to have a fixation with getting people saved and getting them to on the
road to Heaven. But Paul taught that as a result of us getting saved, our
spirits are seated with Christ in heavenly places. If God wanted all just be in
Heaven, then he would have translated all of us like Enoch. The fact is that as
Christ said, we are in this world but not of this world. The question then is,
if we are not of this world, then of which world are we? We are definitely not
of Heaven because only spirits live in Heaven. The fact is that we are citizens
of the place which Jesus talked about which starts in our hearts the moment we
accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a
geographical place so to speak like Heaven or Earth but a place in our hearts
where God dwells. We carry God in our hearts from the moment we were born of
the spirit. While the liberals in America argue for the separation of Church
and State, God doesn’t want us to do so. Peter says we are a royal priesthood.
God wants us to carry the Kingdom of Heaven wherever we go and to establish
outposts of Heaven as ambassadors.
JC Cruz is the author of DECEPTIO, a thriller about persecution of Christians. DECEPTIO is published by WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers. The book is available here He is also the author of LOST, BUT FOUND available here
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