Wednesday, 5 March 2014

It Should Be About Him .... And Us

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of a period of fasting, praying and alms giving known as Lent which is associated with several Christian denominations most especially the Catholics. Interestingly I have read two interesting articles from the Federalist website which were posted by Mollie Hemingway (@MZhemingway). The first article written by Rev. Todd Peperkorn, a pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, Carlifornia argues that we should not generally reject the practice of Lent because we believe they are ancient customs which have no place in this modern world. He recognises the argument that some make that such practices tend to make us feel self righteous in our observance of them. He quotes Matthew 6:2, 5 and 7 where Jesus points out what hypocrites do and admonishes us not do do those things. Rev. Peperkorn argues that while Jesus did not want us to go the way of the hypocrites, he is certain that Jesus wanted us to do the opposite of what the hypocrites do. He argues that in a world of several distractions, Christians need to block out the distractions and focus more on more thing, Jesus.

On the other side of the spectrum is Brian Lee, pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Washington DC's Logan Circle neighborhood. His argument is that such observances lead to a form of self righteousness which arise out of pride in our works. He argues that this gives the feeling that we can please God with our works. According to him, Jesus fasting was all about purifying us while our aims with regard to fasting are about purifying ourselves which is wrong. He also argues that some of the rules regarding abstaining from certain foods and practices goes against the grain of the doctrine of sanctification. He argues that the most important thing is to love. Love God with all our heart, our strength and our might.

I agree with both sentiments to a certain extent. I believe that every Christian should practice some form of spiritual discipline not just at a particular time of the year but if possible, every day. I really don't believe in Valentine's Day, the commercialised day of love because of the associations. I believe God and Christ are the epitome of love. If there was to be a day of love, it should be celebrated on the day the birth of Christ is celebrated. But Jesus said we were to love God and our neighbour. I don't think that is something to be practiced or observed on a particular day. Therefore while I do not think Lent is a bad idea, I also do not believe fasting or prayer should be left to a particular period of the year. It should be an every day lifestyle. Like my pastor says, prayer is for God while fasting is for us. Fasting helps us discipline the flesh in order to be more attune to God. If there is a benefit to it and draws us closer in our pursuit of God, then we should eagerly adopt it shouldn't we?

JC Cruz is the author of DECEPTIO published by WestBowPress, a division of Thomas Nelson publishers. and LOST, BUT FOUND available at You can follow him on Twitter @Cruz_JCReal

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