Wednesday 21 March 2012

Life is Unfair!?

A friend posted the statement above on his Facebook page but it wasn't a question. It was a categorical statement. I know there are a lot of people out there who think that life in unfair. But I don't think that life is unfair. Life I will admit can be hard, but it's not unfair.

If we were to say that life was unfair, it would be saying that we have a feeling of entitlement. You work hard 5 days a week and you feel that after a number of years you should be able to afford your own house, car and everything that you think should come with it. But then life throws us a curveball and all of our expectatations are thrown out of the nearest window.

I remember reading a few years ago the story of the German billionaire who killed himself because he lost money in the stock market crash that followed the start of the reccession. He was still a billionaire but he just couldn't take the loss of the money so he ended his own life. He didn't have money, money had him.

Life is hard but Jesus came not to take away the hardness but to give us peace in the middle of the storms we gon through. The storms that make other people tear out their hair in despair are the storms we are to drop anchor in, hold on to Jesus and find peace for our souls. Jesus didn't come to take us to heaven immediately we got born-again but he asked us to stay here and point the way for others to him. Life is hard but if we focus on the hardness, we will never get anything done. We are to keep our focus on Jesus because if we keep our focus on the problem, we will sink like Peter.

We need to be able to hold on to him and trust him. The Bible says "the just shall live by faith". Our faith is not tested when things are going according to plan or well. It is at the times when all hell is breaking loose, that is when we need to trust God and keep our eyes fixed on Him even as we keep in mind his promises. That he has only thoughts of good towards us for example. That there is no evil in Him, only goodness. I can promise that if we don't let go and hold on to the end, we will find salvation.

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